Interspecies Communication | Universal Language

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Dog And Human

Communication With Other Life

For thousands of years mankind has fantasized about being able to talk to the creatures of this world and beyond, also known as ‘interspecies communication’. The book and subsequent movies about “Dr. Dolittle” captured the world’s imagination with a wonderful story about whimsical person who was able to ‘talk to the animals’. But, actual communication with creatures of this world and others is not just a fictional fantasy. It is possible using a universal language to accomplish interspecies communication.

The possibility of contact with other worlds has always been irresistible to us, so as our technology’s developed, we’ve turned our attention to observing and listening to space for proof that ‘we are not alone’ in the universe. Scientists and engineers have tested hundreds of possible methods, spent billions of dollars and invested millions of man hours over the last few decades to communicate with others existing on other worlds in the vastness of the universe. To date, the efforts been wildly unsuccessful.

One of the primary reasons for failure to establish contact with other life in the universe, has been using the wrong approach. Yes, people have been listening and looking, but no one knows for sure what they should be listening or looking for and more pertinently, how to process and comprehend the communication that they receive.

Communicating With Other Species

There are two basic types of communication that most known terrestrial life forms have in common. These are sounds (vibrations), and body language/signs (biosemiotics). For centuries we’ve improved our ability to relay our thoughts and feelings among our own species. We’ve gone from simple grunts and gross body movements, to extremely complex languages and interrelated forms of communication. We’ve even developed very basic communication with a number of domesticated species.

Interspecies Communication Is An Ancient Form Of Communication

Currently, we primarily use our vision and hearing to perceive information. We use movement and vocal chords to transmit information. The Theory of Interspecies Communication, another theory by W.E. Lewis, proposes that electromagnetically produced auroras that all objects generate can be used to communicate with other species, no matter what type, size, or from what part of the universe. Interspecies communication differs from conventional methods of communication, specifically because it’s entirely visual and it’s not a language in any real sense. It’s an understanding and use of electromagnetic auroras invisible to human eyes due to our ability to only see a very narrow light spectrum.

Kirlian Photography Of Auras

Kirlian Method Of Photography

All things in the universe, both animate and inanimate, possess and exude electromagnetic fields that are also known as ‘auroras’ (often referred to as auras). These auroras are visible using the Kirlian method of photography and by observing the electromagnetic fields of Earth from space. These fields fluctuate in color, size, shape and intensity depending on environmental conditions.

Interspecies Communication Is An Advanced Form Of Electromagnetic Biosemiotics

Many species on earth are able to partially detect and understand the auroras around them and are immediately sensitive to changes in them. This ability to see beyond our light spectrum may be why some animals seem to be able to ‘see’ what we’re feeling, as they observe our auroras change color and intensity. Developing the ability to see and comprehend the fluctuating fields flowing flow constantly all around us and that subconsciously affect us, is critical to successful interspecies communication.

Accomplishing Interspecies Communication

To accomplish interspecies communication, the following steps must be followed:

The first step is to design and manufacture real time electromagnetic field observation and transmission technology, capable of accurately reading and recording the electromagnetic field activity patterns from stationary and mobile objects (much like an infrared camera).

The second step is taking a sample population of a select species to observe and record behaviors and corresponding electromagnetic field fluctuations, constantly during its life cycle, with special attention paid to all aspects involved in cellular duplication/life cycles, and interaction.

The third step is to compile, organize, translate and categorize the accumulated data into a functional language.

The fourth step is to build a mobile transmitter.

The fifth step is using this language, via the developed transmitter, to communicate with the test species to confirm and validate communicative function.

Researcher Looking Into Microscope

Medical Breakthroughs Made Possible

Interspecies Communication will, in a very short period of time, provide a method that will allow humans to communicate quite accurately with the sampled species without sound, motion, or invasive procedures. Applying these principals at a cellular level has the potential to revolutionize medicine by making possible manipulating cells. The ability to communicate directly with cells will give physicians the ability to terminate disease and heal many conditions without ingesting/absorbing any chemicals, or through invasive medical procedures.

Conclusion: Interspecies Communication May Save Mankind

The ability for man to be able to communicate with other life forms, on Earth and beyond, is becoming increasingly important. However, we’re currently thinking about communication all wrong. To us, communication is a frequency of sound, a very slow, clumsy, and archaic manner of communicating. But there exists an ancient language that all life forms throughout the universe except us use to some degree. But we have the ability to learn and use it. This form of communication will allow us to communicate with other life forms from cells to the most advanced life that exists. And not just on this world, but throughout the universe. Interspecies communication is a completely honest way to communicate with other species and may very well one day determine the fate of man. Applying these principles to communication with other species will inevitably lead to us finally ‘hearing’ and be able to respond to beings from other worlds, ushering in an age of sharing knowledge and culture with worlds beyond our own.

Interspecies Communication is plausible, provable and guaranteed to alter the future of mankind in profound ways.
~ W. Lewis